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Knock, Knock: Making Your Business Idea into a Reality!

Submitted by Duquesne University Small Business Development Center

Duquesne Opportunity Knocks EventHave you ever had a business idea that you wanted to put into reality? Well, an opportunity just came knocking on your door…FOR FREE! Opportunity Knocks is a free event to bring an idea, a widget, a passion, a device or a dream that has been tucked away, to professionals that work to make those ideas come to life.

On June 8th, 2023, your entrepreneurial dreams can come true. You will have the undivided attention of business development professionals from the greater Pittsburgh area to bring your idea to during a 20-minute time span. During the first 15 minutes, you will “sell, pitch or simply investigate” your business idea, and during the remaining 5 minutes, you will receive direction as to the “next steps” to move forward from there.

Now, those next steps may involve a great deal of work, time and dedication, but with the help of the business development professionals and the Small Business Development center, you will be one step closer to achieving entrepreneurial successes!

Opportunity knocks does not guarantee or promise anything. There will be no grants, no big companies waiting in the other room to jump in and buy your product/service, and, sadly, no promises of becoming the next millionaire. However, Opportunity Knocks can set you off on the right foot, in the right direction, to possibly achieve all of the above.

“In life, as in business – do not fear failure but be terrified of regret” (Ms. Shauna Barber)

Take the chance you’ve been wanting to take. Attend Opportunity Knocks June 8th, 2023 and turn your dreams into a reality.

Visit to secure your spot and watch as you create the business of your dreams!