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One Mic Stand: Accenture's Dan Guenther Talks Extended Reality

Interview by Jonathan Kersting


Nerd out with Accenture's Dan Guenther about all things extended reality (XR). From Alternative Reality to Virtual Reality, XR is promising massive changes in society from how we learn and shop to how we meet up and build new new business.

Fresh off his presentation on the Metaverse at CES, Dan talks about how XR is making learning more immersive and impactful.

New Accenture research and client experiences indicate that investing in XR technologies and modernizing learning and development now makes sense. Dan shares recommendations on how to approach an XR based immersive learning program. From how to get started, to how the XR investment can be used for other programs

He will also detail how Accenture has developed an XR experience for new joiners, called One Accenture Park.

Check out other XR use cases outside of Immersive Learning are on

See Dan's CES presentation at: