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TEQ One Mic Stand: Silicon Heartland Author Rebecca Fannin

Interview by Jonathan Kersting

Silicon Heartland Rebecca FanninCNBC Contributor and serial author Rebecca Fannin steps up to the One Mic Stand to detail her latest book: Silicon Heartland Transforming the Midwest from Rust Belt to Tech Belt.

Fannin returns to her hometown region to report on how tech ecosystems—of entrepreneurial talent, venture capital, accelerators, incubators, universities, and R&D—are retooling midsized heartland cities and Appalachian towns. 

Pittsburgh was one of her stops and she details how Pittsburgh stacks up to its neighbors as the city and region continue to transform into a center of technology innovation.

The book launches March 7. Preorder here. Plus, Rebecca will be in Pittsburgh March 31 as part of her Heartland Road Trip Tour 2023.